SIMOREG 6RA70 Siemens DC Master Variable Speed DC Drive
Design & Mode of Operation – Optimization Run
- Description & Base Drive Catalog Numbers
- Features
- Design and Mode of Operation
Design and Mode of Operation
Optimization run
6RA70 converters are supplied with parameters set to the factory settings. Automatic optimization runs can be selected by means of special key numbers to support setting of the controllers.
The following controller functions can be set in an automatic automatization run:
- Current controller optimization run for setting current controllers and feedforward controls (armature and field circuit).
- Speed controller optimization run for setting characteristic data for speed controller.
- Automatic recording of friction and moment of inertia compensation for feedforward control of speed controller.
- Automatic recording of field characteristic for an EMF-dependent closed-loop field-weakening control and automatic optimization of EMF controller in field-weakening operation.
Furthermore, all parameters set automatically during optimization runs can be altered afterwards on the operator panel.
SIMOREG 6RA70 Siemens DC Drive Converter Family.
To purchase drives and/or parts, contact us at:
Phone (815) 725-9696,
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Siemens Energy & Automation
SIMOREG DC Master Base Drive Operating Instructions